Lindsay Lohan makes her move on Leonardo DiCaprio

Lindsay Lohan has the lipstick lesbian role and is all about the manly men. She was spotted flirting with a series of men, including Leonardo DiCaprio, over the last week.
Lohan spotted Leo at Hollywood hotspot My House on Wednesday night.
�As soon as Lindsay saw Leo she was like a bee to honey,� said a source. �She was going for the big catch and when she spotted him in a dark corner of the club she headed straight for him.
�She quickly monopolized his conversation and made sure she had him all to herself. Lindsay is a sharp tac. She wasn�t wasting her time chatting up small fish. She seemed interested in the gents with deeper pockets, probably because her career is on a downward trajectory.

�The pair were cozied up together deep in conversation. She definitely tickled his fancy.� As the flirtation progressed, Lohan took to the dance floor to writhe for Bar Refaeli�s boyfriend.
�It was a bit shocking when she got up and started dancing in front of him but he seemed to be enjoying it,� said the source.
I�m sure the infinitely more gorgeous and far less damaged bikini model that Leo�s usually dating would be shocked as well.
