His dreadlocks — which he has always freely admitted are hair extensions — are fascinating up close. They're so incongruous with the rest of his appearance ("I'm a Russian Jew American, impersonating African," he sings on the Crows' new album) that you half expect them to begin moving, like a giant tarantula. Not long ago, Duritz's publicist urged him to shave his head, but he wouldn't do it. "Whatever they hide or cover about myself, you know, they feel good," he says. "And I did not want to be skinhead guy."
Here he is a few years ago, you can see his hairline is receding in the front and he has piled on fake dreads on the top.

Here he is more recently. You can see the front hairline has improved.

I can't even picture Adam without all that hair. Then again, he is 45 years old now, and he will have to grow up someday. While he is man enough to admit he wears fakies, he is not man enough to face the world without them.