I originally wrote the following article exclusively for BlogCritics, but I must say, I have been blown away by the comments. Guess I'm used to civility in a courtroom. People can be so brutal when they don't speak face to face. I'm not one to shy away from controversy, in fact, I rather enjoy it.
But comments like "idiot," "shameful," "ridiculous," "not an iota of brains," and worse have no place in the blogosphere. Let's all just agree to disagree, make our points, and move on, shall we? No need to become personally offensive.
Feel free to post your comments here as well. If possible, keep the venom to a minimum.
Color me woman overboard from the Hillary Express. A lifelong Democrat, I cannot imagine a worse fate for my political party, or for that matter the United States of America, than bringing this ship to port.
Democratic candidates who can win next November do, in fact, exist. Yet, the national news media doesn’t publicize the credentials of candidates like Joe Biden or Chris Dodd. Rather, the media consistently downplays these candidates' political prowess, accomplishments, and admirable experience.
Like some vast left wing conspiracy, media conglomerates and their minions continue to herald Clinton as the clear Democratic frontrunner. Their blatantly obvious bias is not so much indefensible as it is incomprehensible. Hillary is nothing more than one of seven credible challengers perched behind an uncut ribbon at a pre-dawn marathon. Still, the media proclaims she will handily win the nomination as well as the presidency.
It’s time the American people sent a message to the national news media and vote their own minds in the upcoming primaries. Democracy cannot function effectively unless each American formulates and voices an opinion about the candidate who best reflects their individual needs and interests.
I, for one, will not hand Mrs. Clinton my party's nomination on a silver platter. I thumb my nose at media elite, and throw my support behind any other Democratic contender, going so far as to pledge my vote in the general election to the Republican – any Republican – if my party nominates this pathetic excuse for a candidate. Here’s why:
1. Clinton does not have the credentials to lead America. She has no track record of successful management of any large organization. She has never led the charge for successful passage of any consequential legislation. Even liberal Democrats give Hillary a pitiful 60% approval rating for piggyback voting, i.e. a failing grade on legislation Clinton supported but did not initiate.
2. She is ethically unsuitable for the office of president. Clinton will do or say anything to get elected. Her recorded support on opposite sides of the same issue recently came home to roost. This isn’t the first time opponents have caught Hillary in the act of doublespeak. Not long ago, Clinton equivocated her stance on the Iraqi war, stating, “I do not think it is smart strategy to set a date certain.” More recently, she introduced legislation setting a date certain to bring the troops home.
3. Clinton casually employs intimidation, marginalization, and fear of elimination to silence detractors. As first lady, Clinton viciously vilified numerous women levying sexual harassment charges against hubby Bubba. Her disingenuous finger pointing exemplifies the depths she is willing to sink to deflect blame. Had Monicagate not blossomed into a full-blown national scandal, Hillary very well may have destroyed the lives of numerous womanized victims.
4. Clinton leads the pack in campaign fundraising only because her campaign consistently violates FEC regulations. Fundraising for her 2000 senate campaign, as documented by former supporter, Peter F. Paul, is a brewing scandal unreported by national news organizations. Most likely, this is because three branches of government linked to Bubba’s administration systematically banded together to discredit Mr. Paul. His personal lawsuit against the Clintons remains pending in civil court despite numerous set backs. Google mysteriously banned the trailer video documenting Clinton’s campaign fundraising violations, a brewing scandal in its own right. The former embed code no longer functions, although edited videos continue to play online ... for now.
5. Clinton’s presidential campaign is tainted by a distinctive “kook factor.” Can she appeal to enough Americans? The short answer is no. Just recently, an Iowa waitress involved in a minor tipping flap made a curious about face following serious criticism directed against Clinton. Circumstantial evidence shows a heavy-handed response to this imagined controversy, thereby raising the specter of deeply entrenched paranoia in the Clinton campaign. A Hillary presidency could make the Nixon years seem like the ministry of Mother Theresa. For anyone who survived this chapter of American history, the prospect is terrifying.
6. Twenty years of Clintons and Bushes have not exactly positioned America for prosperity. If anything, the nation has regressed. Take, for example, the shrinking value of the American dollar against the Israeli shekel. Reduced American buying power in a second world nation formerly besieged by rampant inflation is simultaneously sobering and humiliating. Now is the time to send a fresh face to Pennsylvania Avenue, not more of the same expecting a different result.
7. Sure, I’d like to see a woman president in my lifetime. Unfortunately, this particular woman is as spineless as a jellyfish, a repulsive characteristic in any politician, let alone one vying to become leader of the free world. Hillary knows she’s just another face in Congress without Bubba. Despite impeachment and national scandal, that’s precisely the reason she stayed married to him. What's the difference between Billary’s relationship and that of Prince Charles and Princess Diana? At least Diana had the courage to recognize the whorish nature of their marriage and get out.
8. Clinton’s socialist tendencies will wreak havoc on this staunchly capitalistic society, eventually bringing the United States to its knees. Top earners, movers and shakers, and successful entrepeuners can migrate to greener pastures if forced to support the do-nothings and do-littles of America. That’s exactly what other countries are banking upon and likely why so many foreigners are the most vehement Clinton supporters.
Update: After original publication of this article, I discovered the words "about face" in paragraph #5 linked only to a blank page. I hope this was due to some temporary glitch rather than a response to threats of retailiation.
Second Update: One commentator queried whether I dislike Hillary because she is a woman. The simple answer: no. I have no problem electing a woman president. In fact, I hope to live to the day when the U.S. elects a woman or some other minority as president.
I dislike Hillary because she is the wrong person for the job for the reasons stated in my article. When a woman takes a clear stand on the issues and doesn't flip-flop, proposes a solid domestic policy that will jump start the economy, and demonstrates honesty and integrity in their politics - that is the woman I will vote for. Hillary is not that woman. In fact, if you took Hillary and put her in a man's body, hardly anyone would want her to be their president.
People are fooling themselves if they think electing Hillary will put Bill back into a position of power. Hillary is chomping at the bit to make Bill her underling. If she becomes President of the United States, she'll make certain Bill knows exactly who's in charge. Believe me, it won't be him.