A quiet couple arrives in the USA, not knowing anyone and hoping to meet some people who could help their careers. It's a tough situation but, help is at hand, your buddies put on a big party for you and invite all the people in town you could ever want to meet.
Well, maybe the Beckhams don't quite fit that description, but even so, getting to meet a few hundred Hollywood A Listers isn't all that easy to arrange. So having friends who can put on a party, invite the biggest names in Hollywood and have them actually come isn't bad at all.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes along with their good friend Will and Jada Smith are doing just that for David and Victoria Beckham. It reminds me of the late 1960's when another young Englishman, Michael Caine, was treated similarly by Shirley MacLane. She arranged a party for him where he met a ton of Hollywood A Listers and his career was off to a great start. Of course being incredibly talented helped him to build that career into what it is today.
Anyway, here is the scoop on Tom, Katie, Will, Jada, David and Victoria and the big party: Tom & Katie to Throw Party for the Beckhams